
地狱一季,  《地狱一季》序诗:,  过去,如果我记得不错,我的生活曾是一场盛大的饮宴,筵席上所有的心都自行敞开,醇酒涌流无尽。,  一天夜里,我把“美”抱来坐在我膝上。——后来我发现她苦涩惨怛。——我对她又恨恨地辱骂。,  我把自己武装起来,反对正义。,  我逃走了。女巫,灾难,仇恨,啊,我的珍奇财富都交托给你们!,  我把人类全部希望都在我思想里活活闷死。像猛兽扑食,我在狂喜中把它狠狠勒死。,  我叫来刽子手,我在垂死之间,用牙咬碎他们的枪托。我召来种种灾祸,我在黄沙血水中窒息而死。灾难本来就是我的神祗。我直直躺在污秽泥水之中。在罪恶的空气下再把我吹干。我对疯狂耍出了种种花招。,  可是春天却给我带来白痴的可憎的笑声。,  最近我发现我几乎又要弄出最后一次走调!我只盼找回开启昔日那场盛宴的钥匙,也许在那样的筵席上,我可能找回我的食欲,我的欲望。,  仁慈就是这样一把钥匙。——有这样一个灵启,表明我过去确实做过一场美梦!,  “你还是做你的豺狼去,以及其他等等……”魔鬼给我戴上如此可爱的罂粟花花冠,这样喊叫。“带着你的贪欲,你的利已主义,带着你所有的大罪,***。”,  啊!我得到的是太多了:——不过,亲爱的撒旦,我请求你,不要怒目相视!稍等一下,卑怯随后就出现,你是喜欢作家缺乏描写才能或没有教育能力的。作为被打下地狱的人,这是我的手记,这几页极为可厌的纸头我撕下来送给你。,,  《地狱一季》中的一首诗:,  1,  我若是有胃口,  只想吃泥土和石头,  午餐我一直在吃,  空气、煤铁、岩石。,,  我饿得头昏目眩。饥饿,,  声响的牧场,平息,平息。,  去吮吸那旋花植物,  令人心花怒放的毒汁。,,  吞吃那敲碎了的石块,,  教堂的古老的方石;,  昔日洪水遗下的卵石,,  抛在灰色山谷里的面包。,,  狼在绿叶丛下嗥叫,,  吐出它饱餐家禽的,  五色缤纷的彩羽:,  和狼一样我也在空自消耗。,,  青青蔬菜和果实,  等待着去摘采;,  篱边的大蜘蛛,  只知吞食紫堇花。,,  让我睡去!在所罗门,  祭坛前把我加火烹煮。,  汤汁在铁锈上流溢,  和塞德隆混成一处。,,  Hell one season,,  2011-03-24 14:47:39,,  "The hell of a season sequence poetry:,,  In the past, if I remember right, my life was a grand banquet catering, on the heart of all their freshness and wine endless open.,,  One night, I put the "beauty" embrace to sit on my lap. -then I found out she CanDa bitter. -I hate to her and to abuse.,,  I put their armed, opposes justice.,,  I ran away. The witch, disaster, hatred, ah, my precious wealth all over to you!,,  I put the human all hope are in my mind alive suffocated. Like predatory beasts, I put it in ecstasy was strangled.,,  I called the executioner, I'm dying, with her teeth broken between their gunstocks. I called for a variety of evil, I in yellow suffocated to death in the blood. Disaster was my god. I ZhiZhi lying in a polluted in mud. In the crime of the air of the again my blow dry. I play out the crazy of tricks.,,  But spring but bring me an idiot of abominations laughter.,,  Recently, I found that I almost want to make out and the last time to adjust!!!!! I only wish find open the feast of former key, maybe at that table, I may find my appetite, my desire.,,  Kindness is such a key. -have such a spirit that I used to, and did have a beautiful dream!!!!!,,  "You still do you wolves to, as well as other etc......" The devil to I put on such a lovely poppy corolla, and such. "Bring your lust, you have the socialist, with all of your great sin, to die.",,  !!!!! I get is too much:-but, dear satan, I beg you, don't glaring at each other! Wait a moment, BeiQie then appear, you are like the writer describes to or no lack of education ability. As a hell, it is in my journal, this a few pages is very disgusting paper I tear it out for you.,,  "The hell a season of" a poem:,,  1,,  If I have any appetite,,  Only want soil and stone,,  I have been eating lunch,,  Air, coal and iron, rock.,,  I'm so hungry, dazzled. Hunger,,,  Sound ranch subside, calm.,,  The flower plants suck to spin,,  Is the gall of be elated.,,  Eat up the broken stones,,,  The ancient church of the stones;,,  Former flood the pebble, next of kin,,  Into the gray valley of bread.,,  The Wolf in the green growl,,,  Spit it of poultry feast,,  The colour profusion color primaries:,,  And I also in empty wolves from consumption.,,  Green vegetables and fruit,,  Waiting to ZhaiCai;,,  On the edge of the fence big spiders,,  Know only swallowed purple pansy/flowers.,,  Let me go to sleep! In the Solomon,,  The altar to add me the cooking fire.,,  Soup in rust on flush,,  And plug in a hybrid calderon.



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